૩, ભગવતી નગર સોસાયટી, નજીક.બસ સ્ટેશન રોડ, પાટણ (ઉત્તર ગુજરાત) ૩૮૪૨૬૫
PRP treatment involves injecting your platelet-rich plasma into your skin to repair it and reduce scars and other visible signs of aging. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy can make the skin look brighter, healthier, and younger within a short time.
The patient’s own blood is centrifuged to form platelet-rich plasma and injected into the skin to stimulate the process of regeneration of skin cells and collagen. The PRP contains multiple growth factors and biological mediators which help in regeneration and stimulates collagen production within the skin. A topical anesthetic cream is used before the procedure, and then the plasma is injected all over the face. The dermatologist may also use a micro-needling device to stimulate collagen growth, along with the PRP, to enhance the effect.
Once the treatment is done, you may experience some superficial pain and minor bruising. The results will take a while to show, especially if it’s your first time getting the treatment. However, most patients will notice skin tightening, and healthy glowing skin, after a few sessions. It’s best to have about four to six treatments at four to six-week intervals if you want to deal with scarring, skin damage, and other problem areas.
Benefits for Hair
PRP can be used as a new therapeutic option for hair loss including androgenetic alopecia and male-female pattern hair loss, either as a monotherapy or an adjuvant to conventional therapy or hair transplantation. PRP is also considered a safe, effective, steroid sparing, and alternative treatment for alopecia areata.
PRP therapy for hair loss works for male and female both. However, it works best for the following situations:
@ Copyright Bhagawati Skin Care & Cosmetic Laser Clinic 2022. Glasier Inc.